1 class Random { 2 public: 3 Random(int n, int m):n(n), m(m) {} 4 void generate() { 5 srand(time(NULL)); 6 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) data.push_back(i); 7 for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) swap(data[i], data[i + rand() % (n - i)]); 8 } 9 10 void increase() {11 data.push_back(n++);12 int i = rand() % n;13 swap(data[i], data[n - 1]);14 }15 16 void print() const {17 for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) 18 cout << data[i] << " ";19 cout << endl;20 }21 private:22 int n;23 int m;24 vector data;25 };
Line 7, 第i个元素会和第从[i, n)中找一个元素交换。可以证明每个数被选择在第k个位置上的概念为1/n。被选择的概念为m/n。
如果data是不断递增的,也就是newN = n + 1,怎么随机选择k个数? 只要将data[newN - 1]和前面的数随机交换就可以了,O(1)的更新。
其他数被选上的概率 =(它之前被选在m个数里面的概率)*(它在newN下没有被交换出这m个数的概率)
Select a random number from stream, with O(1) space
Given a stream of numbers, generate a random number from the stream. You are allowed to use only O(1) space and the input is in the form of stream, so can’t store the previously seen numbers.
So how do we generate a random number from the whole stream such that the probability of picking any number is 1/n. with O(1) extra space? This problem is a variation of Reservoir Sampling. Here the value of k is 1.
1 void increase() {2 data.push_back(n++);3 int i = rand() % n;4 //swap(data[i], data[n - 1]);5 if (i < m) data[i] = data[n - 1];6 }